In the movies you see how people who fall in love or become best friends, never knew the other existed yet they saw them every single day for years and didn't even know it. I thought of that while working at the coffee shop. Looking around the room, I saw all the regulars that come in and that they don't know it, but they're sitting at the table right next to another regular. Each day, they all come in and cross paths but the baristas are the only ones who notice that.
It got me thinking, what if you have walked by the person you are going to end up spending forever with so may times and possibly made eye contact with them, but you don't even realize it or know who they are?. The coffee shop I work at has been around for over 10 years and I grew up in this town, going to this coffee shop that entire time. And I never knew the workers there.
How do you know that the person you fall in love with is someone you saw most of your life and never even knew their name? Something to think about. You could have met your one but it could have been wrong timing.
Woah mind = blown. That is an awesome thought.